Your voice matters!

We did it! Together we increased BC's minimum wage!

The Fair Wages Commission was created by the BC Government in 2017 to set the schedule for a $15/hr minimum wage. They held hearings across BC to learn more from workers, unions, community organizations and businesses. They also collected submissions via email. This feedback was used to guide their decision on when to implement a $15/hr minimum wage.

The Fight for 15 Campaign worked to organize more than 2200 people to send letters to the Commission about the urgent need for a $15/hr minimum wage. These letters asked the Fair Wages Commission to get to a $15/hr minimum wage by January 2019 and eliminate all exemptions to the minimum wage.

We also worked with more than 75 groups and individuals to make in person presentations to the Commission. These presentations were supported by written submissions and research briefs. 

You can check out the BCFED's submission here

The Fair Wages Commission delivered their first report on February 8th, 2018. The report recommended a phased in path to $15 per hour with a final wage of $15.20/hr by June of 2021. 

Implementation is as follows:

$12.65/hr on June 1, 2018

$13.85/hr on June 1, 2019

$14.60/hr on June 1, 2020

$15.20/hr on June 1, 2021