Fight for $15

The BC Federation of Labour believes that work should lift you out of poverty. It's time for the BC government to make a real increase to the minimum wage so that nobody is left behind.

BC's Fair Wages Commission reviewed the timeline to get to a $15 per hour minimum wage and recommended a phased increase to $15.20/hr by June 1, 2021! This is a huge victory for working people and it's all because of your support. 

A subsequent report recommended eliminating several exemptions to the minimum wage, such as the liquor server wage! The liquor server wage will be eliminated by June 1, 2021. Further study will be done to look at replacing the farm workers' piece rate with a fair minimum wage. 

After the commission has finished reviewing wage exemptions, they will continue their work by making recommendations to bring the minimum wage in line with the living wage. 


BCFED_logo_blue_transparent_250_pixels.png A campaign of the BC Federation of Labour